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CHANTEZ Pâtisserie 穿石

Dessert Shop / Daan Taipei
甜點店/ 台北大安區

Walking through the streets of Daan disrict in Taipei we found a sweet and delicacy parlour called CHANTEZ Pâtisserie. Inside you will discover a simple and relaxed vibe with white interiors, flower decoration and a front glass-display filled with colorful eye-catching desserts.

When the time to order arrives the decision become a challenging task, all the cakes in the display have different shapes, colors, textures and sizes and they all look absolutely beautiful and desirable.

To make it even more difficult for us to decide, CHANTEZ Pâtisserie is recently collaborating with make up brand Chantecaille and now the menu includes some limited edition cakes for the season. We want to order everything!!

漫步在台北大安區的街道中,別錯過位於濟南路上白淨明亮的法式甜點店“CHANTEZ Pâtisserie”, 外圍由綠色植物們包圍著,環境簡潔並透著綠意,ㄧ進到店裡映入眼簾的是玻璃櫥櫃裡琳瑯滿目的各式甜點。




A perfect example of different brands working together to build something even better. CHANTEZ Pâtisserie and Chantecaille combine the colors and the beauty of their products to offer a fresh re-work of the one person cakes as well as the lipstick, eyeshadow and the powder cosmetic.


If you think these two cakes looks amazing wait until you open them and start eating the inside. A mix of different textures like jelly, crunchy and foam makes every bite a whole experience of satisfaction.

The light green feather on top left us without words and the tiny piece of edible silver was a beautiful final touch.

此次我們品嚐了“茁苗” & “浮”,除了外表精緻,吃到內餡的時候也著實令人驚喜;茁苗以綠色種子和羽毛的形成傳遞生命的萌芽與茁壯,此款是鐵觀音茶口味,內陷搭配青蘋果軟凍和慕斯,不僅有茶香味還帶點水果香甜味,清新又爽口,而浮以藍色的羽翼,勾勒自由自在翱翔於天際、海面之上的蜂鳥,帶有花香的普羅旺斯綠茶甘納許,搭配洋梨奶餡和藍莓軟凍,外層則以栗子慕斯包裹,帶來層次豐富的口感。

One of the signature desserts in CHANTEZ Pâtisserie is the matcha cream pastry. Recently they also have a fig flavour variations that look also very interesting.


Not only the cakes are the best selling items in Chantez Pâtisserie, also the sparkling drinks are super worthy. With two different flavour , strawberry and mango.


We also order some coffee as that day was a bit cloudy and chill. The toasted sugar cover on the top was really nice and sweet.



Discover more about CHANTEZ Pâtisserie at

查看更多關於穿石 at

Address  地址

No. 31, Section 3, Jinan Road, Da’an District
, Taipei City


Opening Hours  營業時間

Everyday 每日   12:00 to 20:00


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20 April 2020


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